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March 29, 2019
Off Season

After what was a very busy weekend, it made me realise that what would normally have been my off season or quiet period has now come to end and I am preparing to get back into my busiest time of the year.
The last few years I would have used this quieter time at the start of the year to kick back and chill a bit but as this is my first year of running my own business, I don’t have that luxury or the desire to slow down. I am more driven than ever to grow my business and assist those I work with to scale theirs.
Going into this ‘quiet period’ I had set a number of goals I wanted to complete that would help me continue to improve my service.
The popularity of the lifestyle shoots with Personal trainers has continued to grow and there has been a substantial demand over the winter months which offered me the chance to get outdoors and make the most of the mild winter.
Content does not have an off season!
I also wanted to get my website redesigned and updated with additional features such as this blog and an online booking service making it easier than ever to check availability and book in with myself.
As I have discussed in my recent posts, I have been focusing quite a bit on content creation and helping personal trainers realise the impact good engagement can have on their business. This meant going out of my own comfort zone and delivering a number of seminars on social media creation which have been a fantastic success. Launching these seminars has allowed me to learn so much about launching and promoting a new product, and also how to maximise platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and websites.
The final task I had set myself was to launch my Social Media Accelerator package specifically designed to help personal trainers take the fear and procrastination out of content creation, enabling them to create a steady flow of valuable content that will drive up the engagement on their social media platforms and in turn increase their revenues.
In reflection it has been a very productive ‘off season’ and based on the bookings coming in from both individuals and personal trainers to date it looks like it is going to be a very exciting year. I have so much planned in regards to shoots over the next months, bringing a whole host of new and creative ideas to my work. I also look forward to continuing to work with my current personal trainers’ clients and new ones interested in improving their social media content. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has worked with me over the last few months, those who have already signed up to my retainer package, everyone who joined me on my Social Media Content seminars and everyone who has engaged with me on social media. As always, I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for you all.
So here is to our continued growth for the rest of the year.
February 27, 2019
Kyle Reain of Attitude Fitness

“You need to step up your game.”
Wise words from Phil Graham at day one of a 12 month Mastermind. -My name is Kyle Reain and I’m the owner of Attitude Fitness, I coach high end clients in Northern Ireland in the comfort of their own home for weight loss, strength and conditioning and improving their confidence.
Looking at my target demographic: high end, home gyms, stay at home females, fast paced businesses types and their friend circle I knew he was right. I followed Martin Irvine Photography for years and seeing his transformation shoots, lifestyle photography and quality of work I got in touch.
“Kyle I want to show everyone how you come across naturally, non threatening, A big friendly giant, funny and most of all that you have a great service to offer and that you are a true professional.”
“Let’s do it.” – I booked in and in a couple of weeks I was so convinced I didn’t just get the Home Coaching shoot, we done a gym shoot and lifestyle too in the locations I’m known and serve in.
I opted to upgrade early and purchase 40 extra images, Martin was professional, guiding me and my clients on how to stand where to look, and had his kit set up in no time. It was relaxed fun and he knew exactly what I wanted.5 months on I’ve been using these images on my social media accounts, have attracted loads more enquiries, redesigned my website with new imagery, made ebooks with the imagery and now I’m able to showcase my business the way it deserves to be to my potential customers.I’d HIGHLY recommend you get onboard with Martin and invest in yourself.
February 6, 2019
The Power of Social Media within the Fitness Industry

We all know the impact social media has had on the fitness industry the last five years. From creating insta celebrities to providing fitness professionals with a platform to impact lives all over the world.
It has been used to demonstrate some of the most ridiculous exercises ever conceived to providing powerful, inspiring and informative posts.
Beyond the fitness celebrities, the humpday posts, the double tap addictions there lies there a platform that can transform someone’s fitness business, when used correctly.
Of course there are the big success stories like Gymshark and many more companies that have started from next to nothing and went on to take over the fitness world through marketing on social media, but what about the small businesses like individual person trainers.
Before social media if you were a fitness professional looking to have a national or international impact you had to rely heavily on featuring in Magazines, websites or Expos.
But now with social media you have the ability to create your audience right at your finger tips, you no longer have to wait to get featured in a magazine or on a fitness related site. You can create an audience that has opted to follow you based on the value of the content you produce.
Although social media has created a culture where people believe their value and status is defined by the number of likes or followers they have it does not remove how valuable social media can be to a small company or individual fitness professional.
“Just because people abuse it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it”
Social media is saturated with fitness related content, but the vast majority of it is designed to create status for the person posting it rather than provide true value to the viewer.
So how does an fitness individual set themselves apart on social media??
Be Real!! Provide true value!! Have a clear message!!
Your social media content should demonstrate who you are and your values. It should be tailored to the exact clientele you are aiming to work with. It should be easy to tell from your content who you are and what you do!!
“I help middle aged women drop fat and feel more confident in their own skin!”
“I am a strength and conditioning coach who helps athletes perform better at their given pursuit!”
“I am a fitness photographer that helps fitness professionals create content that attracts paying customers and grows their business!”
To avoid time wasting enquiries from clients you do not want to work with it must be clear from your content who your target demographic is. If your preferred demographic is males looking to add lean muscle, post about muscle building topics, exercises that pack on mass, how much protein someone should take to gain lb of muscle a month.
Although it is vital that a fitness professional or coach be visible in their content, as most consumers like to see what they are buying before they hand over any money, your service should always be at the centre of your content not your ego.
“Service before Status!”
Your clients and their results are your service! As coach you will always be judged by your clients results and that rings true on social media. If you all you do it post images of yourself on your social media all you are doing is proving you can get or stay in good shape yourself. You have to be able to prove to potential clients that you can provide them with the results they desire and they will be paying you for.
Social provides an incredible opportunity for fitness individuals to scale their business but it is not as simple as merely posting a tonne of MEMEs or infographics, banging on a hashtags, or a few topless pics of yourself. The will only get lost in the ether.
Decide who your ideal clientele is, figure out what their needs and desires are and then demonstrate how you can help fulfil them through your content.
As important as growing an audience is, if you become too fixated on growing your followers you miss out on providing true value to the audience you already have!!
P.S. This might interest you… but be quick!